MID YEAR NEWS 2019G’day everyone,Well, here I go, LATE AGAIN with the newsletter! Life on the road becomes so busy[...]
Tom Maxwell Newsletter May 2019
Newsletter May 2019G'day EveryoneWell at last I’ve managed to find some time between other things and get the first Newsletter[...]
Tom Maxwell Newsletter December 2018
Newsletter DECEMBER 2018G'day EveryoneWell here we are once again, putting the final newsletter for 2018 to print with Christmas only[...]
Tom Maxwell Newsletter September 2018
Newsletter September 2018G'day EveryoneWell, here we are, three quarters through another year already. As this newsletter goes to print, we[...]
Tom Maxwell Newsletter June 2018
Newsletter june 2018G'day EveryoneWell, here we are, almost halfway through another year already. As this newsletter goes to print, we[...]
Tom Maxwell Newsletter March 2018
Newsletter March 2018G'day EveryoneWell here it is –the first newsletter for 2018. It’s a little late, due to being at[...]